[READ THIS] Welcome to the Forum! F879d28c3b4b30cb08c4e0cb191baa23

Hi there! I see you've stumbled upon this forum, welcome! Before starting on anything else, read this topic first, because it will help you get some information on how this thing works. 

Like a Star @ heaven To participate in the forum
To post and comment in this forum, you first need to register your account. On the top part of the forum, you can see some text that says "Register". Click that. You will then be sent to the terms and conditions of the forum, you must agree to them before you proceed. After that, you will be sent to the page where you can fill out stuff like your username, email and password, and after those, you're pretty much ready to go!

Like a Star @ heaven Navigation
There are four categories in the forum that you can see in the homepage: Important, Roleplay, Discussion and Archive. The Important category is where all of the announcements are posted and where you can get help. The Roleplay section is pretty much what it says: You roleplay there. The Archive section isn't really important, it's just where some posts are moved to. The newest addition, Discussion, is where you talk with others about almost anything. Just keep it sfw and non offensive. Trigger warnings should be added when needed.

Like a Star @ heaven How do I start a roleplay?

It's pretty easy; you just go to the Roleplay Forum in the Roleplay category, click "Post new Topic", and then add the name of the topic and its description. There are some things we want you to add in the description, though: 
  • Claimed characters
  • Rules

If you think your topic looks good, go ahead and click the 'send' button! We advise you to also make a topic in the "Out of Character" forum so that other people will go ahead and chat OOC in there instead of the actual roleplay, and link it in your post.

Like a Star @ heaven How do I join a roleplay?
It's also really easy, just go to the Roleplay forum, check the topics there (and click any you're interested in), go to the Out of Character forum and find the equivalent topic there, and go message on that topic and ask if you can be the character you want to rp. When they reply that you can join, just go back to the Roleplay topic and start rping!